Michigan's Adult Foster Care (AFC) program provides shelter, food, and 24-hour protective oversight to developmentally disabled adults who do not live in their own homes. As an AFC home provider, Community Homes, Inc. is licensed by the State and provides personal care and supervision to persons in need of a residential setting. Such persons, who are unable to live independently but do not require nursing care, include aged, disabled, mentally ill, and developmentally disabled adults.
There are about 4,800 licensed AFC homes throughout the State. These homes serve nearly 40,000 State residents. The operations of some homes are funded by residents' personal resources, supplemental security income, and social security benefits. Other AFC homes receive substantial State and federal Medicaid funding through contracts with the Department of Mental Health (DMH) or Community Mental Health (CMH) boards for specialized residential services. Medicaid funds are also used to pay for mental health clinical services related to residents of AFC homes.
Our Semi-Independent Program (SIP) homes provide support, training and counseling needed for developmentally disabled individuals to live alone, with a roommate in their own apartment or home as they work toward greater independence. Supports and Services vary based on the identified strengths, needs, abilities and preferences of the individual. These may include:
Staffing varies based on the needs of the individual being served.